"Everything I learned I learned from the movies."
- Audrey Hepburn

"Everytime I go to a movie, it's magic, no matter what the movie's about."
- Steven Spielberg

Tuesday, 24 April 2012


this is not very well edited.sorry. Q2:How does your film opening represent particular social groups? A:White middle class teenage girl- blackberry phone, nice house in a nice part of town, not a council estate that’s usually associated with lower class,through her clothes we also show her class and age. In the beginning of the film opening she has on leggings and an oversized top with wellies, she's not flashy with designer clothes like you would expect from someone of higher class but she's also not wearing a tracksuit for example that is usually associated with lower class. With her clothes she looks quite normal, creating a "normal" image for our lead goes against conventions of what a kidnapper should be.

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

Tribute to the greats.

Everyone knows his movies and unless you are insane, love them. He has been making movies for over 50 years now and is considered one of the best (the best in my eyes) filmmakers of all time.
Steven Spielberg.

He is known for his ability to blow stuff up but is also one of the best action movie directors around.
Michael Bay.

You talkin to me?
Martin Scorsese.

Last but most certainly not least, you can't pay tribute to the greats and not mention the gold mine that is Disney.