doctor who:
Mise en scene
The Doctor is in the Tardis with dark colours surrounding him, it’s shell- like representing how men are more closed off and keep their emotions in check more than women, compared to Rose who is on a beach which is a very open setting which can also be seen as representation of emotion, how women are open with their emotions compared to men, who, stereotypically are quite reserved. In the Tardis it’s all artificial lighting inside, creating an almost alien look with the strange combination of colours, in contrast to the beach where it has natural lighting. This conveys the point of opposites: dark vs. light, yin and yang. Also there is contrast of the character with their surroundings, for example Rose stands on a beach that is timeless and yet she is so young compared to the earth whereas The Doctor is in a very futuristic looking time machine and yet he himself is old but never ages. The shot-reverse-shot towards the end of the clip where they are both on the beach represents neutrality and that despite the fact that they are different, they still share that connection. However while they both stand on a beach, they have a different background to one another. The Doctor has a cliff representing earth, while Rose has the ocean representing water- the two things that make up our planet, working together. The Doctor is in a suit, smart or professional looking, representing men in that way, that they are powerful compared to Rose who is in a black leather jacket and pink gloves, seeming more casual maybe representing the stereotypical idea that men are professional and they go out to work and ‘bring home the bacon’ while women can dress casually because they have domestic roles that do not require them to dress smartly. Also the pink gloves can be seen as a typical girly colour. The only prop used in this clip is the sonic screwdriver by The Doctor, suggesting the theory that men like gadgets and electronics and they are all-knowing when it comes to that, also the light the screwdriver makes when it is activated is blue which is almost always associated with boys.
The main source of editing is shot-reverse-shot from the doctor to rose, and so on and so forth, it’s representing how close they are and that the conversation is just between the two of them. The Doctor is then the one who breaks this closeness by looking at rose’s family instead of her, creating an eye line match. The fact that it was him who looked away instead of her can be seen in different ways, for example either the stereotypical view of men that they are in control- the doctor is in control in this conversation- or it can be seen that he is in fact weak and can’t hold the gaze with her and has to look away. The eye line match brings rose and the audience back to reality, by seeing the family we realise that it’s not just the two of them and that feeling like the rest of the world doesn’t affect them is now shattered by seeing these three other people.
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