"Everything I learned I learned from the movies."
- Audrey Hepburn

"Everytime I go to a movie, it's magic, no matter what the movie's about."
- Steven Spielberg

Saturday, 7 January 2012

New Year's Eve

Garry Marshall is more commonly known as the director of movies like The Runaway Bride, Pretty Woman and The Princess Diaries and more recently for the all-star cast of Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve. Like other movies recently that are set in New York, Marshall presents NYE as a love letter to the city that never sleeps. A similar idea to Valentine's Day, where you see the lives of various characters go about their day and sometimes intertwine with one another, but of course this movie see's the preparations that everyone goes through to reign in the new year. Visually, a beautifully well done movie that makes you want to book a plane ticket right away to see some of these sights, this movie has it's comical-gold moments mainly thanks to Sofia Vergara but also it's heartwarming and heartwrenching moments mainly thanks to Robert DeNiro. This movie made me laugh and cry, it had me guessing and puzzled. But mainly this movie reminds you how important your loved ones are, whether it be a mother or father, friend or lover, well done to Garry Marshall!

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